Anita Püspök


I am interested in the questions of our relationship with nature the psychological and philosophical approach to sustainable thinking. In my projects I translate the connections between the micro- and macro-world and continuous change into an abstract language arrange the randomness.

I create continuously one work emerges from the other as a result of the weaving of thoughts but an important part of the process is the time factor, the importance of the momentary experience. Presented artwork reflects where I am in the process currently.

The brand-new concept was born from a photo of my shadow cast on a finished painting and a digital post-production from the Fusion shadows project (2022.)

Due to her complex competence, she leads her through philosophical and spiritual feelings in the logical game of interpretation in which the essence is the process that flows. She searches for and interprets the connections between nature and human existence in her creative and painterly work.

The combination of tradition and progression can be felt in her painting. She is looking for the most beautiful sound in the relationship between nature and spirit deep-lyrical abstract artworks are born with the sensual color-game what weave through dynamic gestures and the intense textural effects such as sand, earth or transparent mediums, sensitive multi-layered surfaces.

“The picture is like an energy pile, where the colours and shapes crosses each other and intertwine.”

She uses experimental mixed techniques in her artworks of painting, graphics, photography, media and installation.

In her analysis of micro-macro relationships, she experiences and incorporates the unit composed of tiny details as a universal mediator in the matrix.  The question of the visible and the invisible, working with the matrix as a mediated process experienced as a mission, thus personal projects refer to global problems and this is played back and forth.  The latest Matrix installation work summarises this dimensional shift. An enigmatic system of transparent surfaces of photographs and painting details hangs in space like a mediator, creating the illusion of new dimensions in a never-ending mirroring of up and down.

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