Anita Püspök


I was born in Budapest in 1972, I have been living and working in Kapolcs for 11 years. I have a degree in painting and graphics from the Faculty of Arts of Eötvös Lóránd University, a master's degree in design and art management from the Metropolitan University, and a qualification in complex art therapy. I have worked in many creative fields as a set designer, visual designer, graphic artist.

"The world is as delicate and as complicated as a spider's web, and like a spider's web, if you touch one thread, you send shudders running through all the other threads that make up the web"
Gerald Durrell

Anita Püspök
Curriculum Vitae


I deal with the issues of our attitudes towards nature, the research of sustainable ways of thinking, and its psychological and philosophical approach.

I create by analyzing the relationships between the micro- and macro-worlds, and I look for logic and meaning in randomness.


1992- group and solo exhibitions
1992. József Attila Cultural Centre
2000. Lurdy Gallery – Artist’s colony Zebegény
2001. Lurdy Gallery – „New Light” group exhibition
2003 – Valley of the Arts Kapolcs
2005. House of the future Millenáris – Contemporary Hungarian Art Exhibition
2006. Kogart Art Award „Beauty of human”
2009. Radnóti Art Award, Community House Mezőtúr
2010. Mű-Hely Gallery, standalone exhibition Pilisvörösvár
2010-12. Budapest Hotel Lido – continuous exhibition
2011. Kertész29 Gallery Budapest
2014. Dunapart Gallery Budapest
2015. A.P.Gallery Kapolcs „Color Therapy”
2016. A.P.Gallery Kapolcs „Silence in us”
2017. „Dream and reality”, Aranyecset Art Association exhibition, Art Hotel, Vienna
2017. FMSZ Art Association exhibition XXVI., Vármező Gallery, Budapest
2018. A.P. Gallery Kapolcs “Blooming”
2018. Art Balaton, Örvényes
2019. A.P. Gallery Kapolcs “Abstract Metaphors”
2019. Amsterdam International Art Fair, BEURS VAN BERLAGE, Netherlands
2019. “Symbiosis”, Art collectors’ house Gallery and Auction House, Budapest
2020. The Royal Arts Prize 2020 VII. Edition Exhibition / Royal Opera Arcade Gallery, London
2021. “OBLIVION” virtual exhibition/
2022. “ECHOES” standalone exhibition ZM&G Galéria, Csopak
2022. MATRIX “Beginning” Golden Duck Gallery, Budapest
2022. “Vogue | 5th Edition” group exhibition, Boomer Gallery, London
2023. “Madrid Station Exhibition” group exhibition, Nuevos Ministerio Station, Madrid
2023. “Nowadays” group exhibition, Florence Contemporary Gallery, Florence
2023. International Contemporary Art Fair Paris, Paris Expo, Paris
2023. “Visionario” group exhibition, Galleria Merlino, Florence
2023. “Experiments” group exhibition, Galleria Merlino, Florence
2023. Spazio Tolomeo Milano, On tour Milan by Artexpertise, Milan
2023. “Interval” group exhibition, Van Gogh Art Gallery, Madrid

Professional membership

MANK/MMP Hungarian Creative Arts Nonprofit Ltd.
Independent Hungarian Salon Fine Arts Association
Gold Brush Art Association
Fine Arts Capital Arts Association


2017- 2019. Budapest Metropolitan University – Design and Arts Management MASTER Degree
2013-2014. Complex Art Therapy accredited teacher training
2008-2011. ELTE-SEK Faculty of Arts, Budapest/ Painting-Graphics
2006-2007. SZIE Faculty of Architecture, Budapest
2005-2006. Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts – Regional Talent Research Program
1993-1994. Designer and Decorator Vocational School

Masters: Ernő Tolvaly, József Baska, Rita Kopek, Béla Szepessy, Gábor Lukács, Attila Szabó, Szabolcs Mészáros

Art Awards

2009. Art Association Pilis Radnoti competition
2009. KIEM main prize Radnoti competition
2009. Panton’s main prize „Beauty in Man”
2009. Jozsef Attila Art Center – First 100
2014. Goldsmith Arts Association Main prize
2017. Amadeus Art Awards Unilever
2022. NKA College of Fine Arts competition / Creative support

Media Appearances

“Radnóti 100” Attila József Art Center Public Benefit Foundation 2009.
„Radnóti Year 2009” Art Anthology, Pilis Creative Hive Association, 2010.
Independent Hungarian Salon Fine Arts Association exhibition catalog 2009, 2017.
Dutch Luxury Design Art Catalog 2019/2020.
New Art Exhibition Recommender, November 2019/10.
2019. Műtá „Symbiosis Exhibition recommender”, reference:
2022. “Echoes” Exhibition recommender:

Anita Püspök • Creation • The harmony of painting and music

Fusion Shadows Project
Matrix Project

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